Privacy Policy

AncillaryBox operates this website to provide you with travel-related experiences on behalf of DOHOP.

AncillaryBox respects your privacy and seeks to protect it through this policy. This policy outlines the types of information we may collect when you visit our site, and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining and disclosing that information.

This policy applies to information collected on our site and does not cover information collected by third parties, such as online booking services, accessible from our site.


Cookies and tracking technologies

Session management cookies

AncillaryBox uses session cookies essential for the functionality of the site, allowing you to navigate and use its features. These cookies are deleted automatically when you close your browser.

Google Analytics

Our site uses Google Analytics, including its cookies, to report statistics about user behaviour and help us improve the website’s performance and content. Information collected by Google Analytics is aggregated and does not include IP addresses. Google processes the information on servers in the United States, where it may be retained for up to 14 months. Google may share aggregated, anonymized information with other services within its network, or if legally required.

Your choices about cookies

When you visit our site, you will be prompted to accept or refuse cookies. You can adjust your preferences accordingly. If you choose to refuse or remove cookies, this could affect certain features or services of the website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

AncillaryBox may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and will notify users by posting the new Privacy Policy on the site.

Contact information

For questions or comment about our privacy practices or this policy, please contact us at: